We wanted Subscriptions to be as stress-free as possible and just a way for you to get more value when shopping with us. So you can cancel, adjust or reschedule at anytime... easy peasy!
Account help!
Step 1 - Log in
If logging in doesn't work. Try creating an account, this may resolve the issue of accessing your account / modifying your subscription.
Step 2 - Access Subscriptions
This is your account page and will reflect all your previous orders. Click 'manage subscriptions' at the top!
Step 3 - Manage
Here you can add, delete, pause, reschedule your subscription to whatever you need.
Super flexible! Super simple!
Subscription FAQs
Get more bang for your buck.
What's the benefit to subscribing?
It saves you time & money. You'll get a 15% discount on your order and don't have to worry about coming back to reorder.
We have lots of customers that have to reorder on a regular basis and this makes it much easier for them and gives them more value!
How do subscriptions work?
Subscribing gives you the option to get your pancakes delivered directly to your door, on your schedule & at a discount!
You can choose from 1, 2, 3 or 4 monthly and this will be re-processed automatically on the date the order is first placed.
How do I login to my account / access my subscription?
- Login to your store account here or from the icon at the top right of the store.
- If logging in doesn't work. Try creating an account, this may resolve the issue of accessing your account / modifying your subscription.
- Once logged in there is a red 'manage subscription' button at the top. Or click here to manage your subscription list.
Can I have more than one subscription active at a time?
Absolutely you can! For example, you could have one bag of Buttermilk send every month and then a bag of Chocolate sent every 3 months.
This can all be edited from you subscription account page.
What happens when one of my subscription items is out of stock?
Simples... we will just wait until the product is back in stock to ship your order off.
However, if you'd rather not wait then you can adjust your subscription to remove the product that is out of stock.
Can I use discount codes on top of my subscription?
Generally not unless it's a specific discount code given our for subscriptions! This is because we already offer a discount on subscriptions.
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